Sunday, May 19, 2002

Brian really helped me see my relationship from another perspective. Talking to him revealed the side of UG that I don't have access to and haven't been trying to access. The fact that Brian is really close with UG gave validity to what he was saying. Brian knows UG well. So he has authority when he speaks of UG. I haven't been so lucky yet. And it could be that Brian is on UG's side. But he seemed genuine in his talk with me, that he was just talking to me. Here are some things that I still remember from our loitering talk outside of our Spiderman theatre waiting for UG and Jeff to finish watching Star Wars.

  • Brian brings up the conversation by saying, "What made you go out with UG?"
  • Brian said I shouldn't let UG get away with being late or other things.
  • Brian used to sit next to UG when he was talking to me on the phone. He thought that I liked UG because of how nice I was to UG.
  • When Brian heard that UG and I got together, he thought, "UG finally got his wish."
  • Brian's mother knows that out of all of his friends, they can count on UG.
  • Brian asked me if I felt like UG and I wasted time. I said no. The way I say it is, if we had gotten together in 8th or 9th grade, we wouldn't have lasted for very long. We both wouldn't have been mature enough to handle a serious relationship. And we would have ended up breaking up after a few months, if we were lucky. Waiting for five years prepared us for each other and what we're able to have now.
  • Brian thinks that out of all of my boyfriends, UG treats me the worst. He brought up J and how he must have treated me so good. And all I have to say back to that is UG is not anyone else. I can't compare him with my other boyfriends. I can't say that he should drive me places like J did or give me presents like R did. UG is UG and comparing him to others does not do him any justice.
  • I told Brian that out of all my boyfriends, UG is at the top.
  • Brian asked me if I was comfortable with UG. I told him that I felt comfortable with UG in all ways except emotionally.
  • Brian asked me if UG's mother liked me. I told him that sometimes it feels like she likes me more in the way she acts towards me. Brian said he wished he could find a girl that his mother could like too.
  • Brian told me (and Pa and Li) how Bob and him once made UG soooooooooooo angry that UG cried. They were awe-stricken.
  • Brian told me that he could see it in UG (how he feels about me or what the relationship means to him).