Wednesday, September 28, 2005

didn't i blow your mind this time?

sleepiness and cold medicine = unpleasant dreams.

i woke up at 5am from a nightmare too elaborate for me to explain in detail. but let's just say that the first half was like a movie, with bruce willis and jodie foster to boot, where my dad and his partner mischieviously take out the famous people for a load of illegal drugs. they get caught and taken away by a long line of police. my brothers and i await them in a small lodge on a small road. while waiting, i see a hummer come down from the sky and land on the small road. my brothers kill the lights in the lodge so we can all spy on what's going on outside. and then laser beams shoot all over the room scanning for any objects, as we try to avoid them. sheesh! try sleeping through that one!

i feel like my life up until now has been easy; but i feel like the next part will be difficult and trying as i build something of my own.

i can't remember other people's feelings when i'm crying; i get too caught up.

i'm not as patient as i once thought.

i don't have anything i'm passionate about and it makes for a life chasing after something to which i can hold onto.

i dislike being awake when the sun comes up.

my arms are cold, i should go back to sleep now...

didn't i?


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