Saturday, January 20, 2007

we used to laugh a lot but only becuz

word of the day:

origin: prison slang

shank: 1.(n.) any crude, sharp weapon created from otherwise non-imposing objects. 2. (v.)to be stabbed by such an object.

this is the kind of stuff i learn everyday at work. that and how my youth are being so bombarded by everyone else's crap that it multiplies their own growing pains and makes it difficult to cope and get by okay. that's why so many of them use and abuse. but society just casts them off as personality problems. i believe that if we want our youth to be better people than they seem to be, then everyone has to work together to educate and support them. not just their teachers. but their parents. their neighbors. whoever comes into contact with them. a village should raise a child.

time to clean.

we thought everything good always would remain


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