Saturday, February 10, 2007

do you remember elementary school days, on the eve of a new school year when anxieties were high and you couldn't sleep the night before? you laid in bed hoping that sleep would knock you out but you knew you were powerless to the questions of how your year will start?

last night, i fell asleep knowing that i might be overcome by my anxiousness for our fraternity's big/lil' event. it took me a while to fall asleep and when i did, i was interrupted by random thoughts of who would be in attendance and what the music on the dance floor would be like. but i got through the long day with my nervous excitement.

when i arrived at v20 and the drinks were flowing for everyone and the lights dimmed, it was time to do what i came for: dance. and after my first drink, the spinning never quite stopped. i scooted across the dance floor with my friends and family, grooving to new tunes and old tunes and taking care of those around me as i was watched over by my alpha and beta classes.

i arrived home sometime after 1ish and couldn't sleep till after 3 but i knew i should have drank more water. because i woke up at 6a. i'm not sure why. maybe there was a lot of potency in my drinks but i still feel a bit dizzy. and i'm trying to drink water now. but also, as i slept, i kept reliving the dancing and the prancing and the friendship and the love that i was surrounded by. i hope i'm not miserable when i wake up if i do ever fall asleep. but so worth it, so so worth it.


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