Thursday, November 06, 2008


which writing prompt do you like best? i'm trying to choose one for the contest i'm going to do with my students:

1. Write a letter to the President of the United States telling him what you think should be changed to make the United States a better place to live.

2. Who do you respect most in your life? Write a letter to the person telling them why you respect them so much.

3. List up to four of your best qualities. Pick one that you think helps you succeed in life. Write about how this quality helps you overcome day-to-day obstacles.

4. Think about a time when you faced a challenge. Write a story about that time, including how you dealt with the challenge and what its outcome was. Be sure to narrate an event or a series of events and to include specific details so that the reader can follow your story.

5. Think of a person you have known who has been important to you. Describe why he or she made such an impression on you or made a difference in your life.



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