Wednesday, November 23, 2005

i long for the warmth of days gone by

okay, okay, i know i haven't been updating everyday anymore. i guess i jinxed myself when i said i had been. but "work" has been getting in the way and because it has, i have to squeeze in hanging out with family and friends during the remainder of the day, so that by the time i'm home, i don't want to be stuck in front of the computer before falling into a deep sleep. i mean, i haven't even been working out consistently anymore! ah! but i'm adjusting so hopefully, it'll be up and running smoothly again.

well the holidays are upon us and everyone's rushing to get things done or chilling victoriously. i'm somewhere in the middle. yay! balance!

by the way, training went well last week. this week i actually went out with the other after-school staff to visit all the sites. yesterday, my partner and i went out to our site and helped out with their Thanksgiving potluck and the students were cool. today was a little bit of preparation for next week's planning. our kickoff date for our after-school program is dec 5th. yikes. here we go...

in other news, i watched "walk the line" and it was good, even though i no nothing about johnny cash. i really liked reese in the movie and i looooved her lines!!! :D sort of tragic and depresing but with hope mixed in.

also, i'm currently on the 5th potter book but i'm sort of pacing myself now since there's not too many books or movies ahead of me. [sigh]

um, christmas is coming, huh? grrrreat... anyone know where i can find a black tabbed restaurant journal? heh, didn't think so. but if you do, pleeeeeeease let me know.

question: what are you grateful for this year?

but now those days are memories in time


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