Sunday, March 11, 2007

march 6, 2007:
work has been crazy because some of my students are acting crazy. they are driving me up the wall. i take so much and then i break. i need to take my mental health days and i need them soon. i need to close program. and i need to get the program back into shape.

please clobber me now.

day 3 of the frenimies. and i am ready for a second night of drinking.

march 7, 2007:
it was day four, with a fieldtrip on top of it all. and i, half of the staff, was pulled out for duty at another school site. i successfully accomplished my tasks and had some good conversations with some of the students (mostly male, thank goodness!), a relief from the drama. moreover, i got to practice for my playoff volleyball game with the students! too good!

however, i heard from my partner later on in the day that i missed some emotional outbreaks and in-someone's-face action. poor guy, tackling good old teenage girl drama by himself. major props go out to him! but good gracious, it's still burning! when will it end!? we talked, wondering what steps we should take while addressing our frustration, annoyance, and speedy burnout. we need some happy hour and we need some happy hour soon!

can you see an end to this student drama? what steps should this afterschool program team take? do we have what it takes to take back the program? or should we throw in the towel and get rid of all the students?

...stay tuned for tomorrow's episode. will the center of the storm, kate, go to sports or will she take the afternoon off? you'll find out as the saga continues...


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