Sunday, August 22, 2004

oh na na na

mneumonics are my new best friend! for my GRE course, i have a list of words to memorize by tuesday. and ill have a quiz on them. but luckily, a quiz on mneumonics that i come up with.

in other news, nothing is really going on.

it is definately interesting being back, like i anticipated. it's weird for my graduating class because no one knows where they fit. like a broken puzzle trying to figure out where each piece fits. i knew that the spring study abroaders would need time to reacquaint themselves to soka life. but i did not anticipate, and was not able to obviate, the fact that the fall study abroaders would be confused as to who to hang out with, who their friends are, etc. so everyone's trying to figure it out while new, fresh faces walk the halls. i personally have nothing against the freshmen nor do i make many efforts to meet them. =/ but if they come up to me, i will be friendly and civil. i'm still trying to figure out the friend thing at school, the friends at home, the future thing, the job thing, the post grad thing, the boyfriend thing. so we'll see.

i wish you were here


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