Monday, March 09, 2009

measure your life in love...

on saturday, i watched "coraline" in 3D with darling jeffrey! and it was very entertaining; i was enthralled. and i couldn't imagine it 2D. yay, for the effects making a big difference! i look forward to "9." we also had lovely linner and some delicious blizzards at DQ. mmm... thanks for hanging out! i hope you had fun! :)

afterwards, i caught the tail end of an art opening in artists' village. i was happy to hear the student performances, mostly because i really like the song they played ("missing you" by lukie d). after helping the clean-up crew and looking around at the outdoor booths, i went over to memphis with them. when we finished but my vino hadn't, i walked around with steph. i saw some pieces i really liked but they were pretty hefty for this youth worker's pocketbook... when i have more money... ;)

yesterday, i was doing a google search for my blog and happened upon a blog i shouldn't have read but did. i read the entire thing and it left me in tears and motivated me to jump on the task at hand: adding up my father's work expenses. although not exhilarating, i welcomed the opportunity to keep my mind busy.

i finished my first reading assignment ("saffron days in LA") and am on to book number two: "a mindful way through depression." it seems promising and very practical. thanks, tingle! :)

daily routine: through my window.

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At 3:14 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, thanks for the loverly date! :) (And yeah, the 3D was a lot more instrumental this time around than it was in Monster House)


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