Friday, February 20, 2004

and i wanna wake up with the rain falling on a tin roof, while im safe their in your arms

i cant help but be a sentimental fool. one who gets wrapped up in a romantic comedy as if im one of the characters. someone who hears a beautiful song like "come away with me" and then gets caught up in her fluttering dreams. i love feeling like things matter, like there is meaning. and i usually feel that when im emotionally connected to something or someone. significance. sentimental value. it doesnt get any better than that for me...

like having conversations with someone who i usually just hang out with. because on top of meaning, i love knowing that im growing. that something im apart of is growing. like a friendship. ::sigh::

today i received a wonderful surprise in the mail. although i was fearful that it was a bomb, it turned out to be cashew roca. it really made me feel lucky. it really made me feel grateful...

i just typed that and all of a sudden, i feel like crap. why? i can be so easily affected by other people. and im just so mad, so upset that im just crying furiously. i hope i forget people sooner than later. people who shouldnt be in my life. people who make me feel bad. why dont i tell them?

its so funny because in psych, we've been talking about self control and self regulation. then today, we talked about it in close relationships. and we talked about accomodating. and how someone who accomodates responds in a constructive way. but i just got the opposite. i thought i was joking around. but apparently, the other person wasnt and they got alll upset with me. and i am just so mad. you know? like what did i do? like this person has never done that to me before? im just sooo mad.


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