Tuesday, May 11, 2004

aba gayle... what a funny name

i cant explain. i feel overwhelmed with compassion. my friend is going through crap and i feel so bad. but in a way, i can really relate. or imagine what it feels like. "breaking up is hard to do..."

what will it be like if and when i go through that again? i dont want to be so consumed that my life stops. i cant say what id do now, cuz i have no way of knowing that i will. life is too dynamic. i cant stop it from happening, even if i have these grand ideas and plans. i will need to rememeber that i have the right to pursue happiness. i have a right to life.

but at the same time, i dont want to shut out the opportunities. i dont want to hold myself back from fully experiencing something just because a fear of getting hurt. i dont want to just be in an ok relationship and not get hurt, rather than to be in a great relationship where i got hurt. what a difference a year makes...

so take care, friends. and enjoy life.


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