Sunday, May 16, 2004

that's not lip service

last night, i went home after working on a group project for about 5 or 6 hours. i had dinner with my family and enjoyed a home cooked meal, one that did not feel oily and fatty and gross. then, my brother, his gf, and i went to starbucks. for the first time in yeeeeeeaaaaaars, i bought something. i dont know why. i got the passion herbal tea lemonade. but the strawberries and cream frap was tasty. just like the hard candy from hersheys.

anyways, when i returned home, i talked to my mom for a bit. she told me that she was looking through her old memo pads and came across some notes about me! hehe, it was the cutest thing. she was lying in my bed and told me that at 4 months, i turned over for the first time [then she proceeded to demonstrate]. how cute! and at 6 months, i got sick and did not eat anything for 2 weeks because my father had let me crawl about on the floor of an apartment that had just be fumigated. thanks, dad! lastly, at 13 months, my mom noted that i became extremely happy at hearing her sing. =) aw man, i knew that music was important to me but i did not know that it started when i was that young! hehe!

i broke into your heart last night


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