it's never wearing out
bad days start even before you get yourself out of bed. and as you give yourself up to your moods and emotions, you watch your spirit slowly die. but as the sun peeks out from behind the clouds, your spirit finds itself and finds the strength to stand up.
i found the sun and my spirit while in laguna niguel today. not the most likely place; i know. especially all you people who like to diss orange county and southern california. but the important thing was the presence of uplifting souls. i knew the day was headed for the better when i pranced around sport chalet with flasks and bathing suits. haha, not to mention cher bucket hats. and my mood jumped for joy at old navy as i found chocolate khakis on sale. the climax occurred while four girls walked down a sidewalk bouncing a bouncy ball, the high-flying kind. all of a sudden, the pink ball of rubber hit the walkway without anyone within grabbing reach, driving the ball down the driveway through the parking lot. i sprinted, watching both ways for traffic, as the ball rolled down the sloping parking lot. ::pant pant:: hilariousness! almost or more funny than the shoes at shoe store x. wow! barbie shoes! white sneaker heals. purple and blue striped rain boots. hehehe... if only you were there...
hey you looking at your sorrow
needless to say, that completely lifted my spirits. so did the drag ball. dang, i was grooving. haha! the mudslide was nice. and the breadsticks? mmm mmm! ann was sooo cute sipping our drinks! ellie was stunning in her corduroy jacket and strawberry shortcake sundae. lisa was magnanimous. allison was a tickly monster. mitzi chugged and beat me to the slide!
got me looking so crazy
haha, then we went back to the pad. and sat around my room, looking at my youthful "thug" days and sharing the story of the boy. mina and yoshi danced and hung out. it was soo happy to see ann playing with the kids. i aired the trailer to the movie that is nonexistent and we're gonna watch "my sassy girl" next friday if you are up for it!
your friends shine their hearts on your darkest days
thank you for being there for me today. you were exactly what i needed.
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