Tuesday, August 06, 2002

Status Report for 5 August:

Tried to wake up early for training. It was hard. I didn't fall back asleep. But I didn't get up and get going for about an hour. Sigh.

Hung out with my friend, John Lim. Had lunch and talked about what we were concerned about, while trying to find a replacement bulb for my dad's Maglite and talking about trucks and running into Joann at work and watching kids get pushed up ramps at the Vans skate park. Sigh. He just reassured me that since I'm not in a rush to get back into any other kind of relationship, I should take my time and not rush into anything or anyone else. That was nice.

Afterwards, Lilly and I went with Jim Truong to the Switzers house where we were attacked by huge dogs: Rita and Rocko. We also got to see their soon to arrive daughter's ultra sound and heartbeat! Precious! Then we left for The Abbey in Seal Beach for dinner, where we met up with Mr. Hogencamp. Once he got there, he just chatted and chatted and we heard their perspectives and tried to catch them up on what was going on in our world and our friends' worlds. By the way, on the way there, I rode with the Switzers and gave them the skinny on UG and me's break. They told me if I needed to talk to call them. And that it's for the better, even if we don't end up back together.

When it was over and we split, Mr. Hogencamp opted to hang out with us for a bit longer. So we cruised down to Downtown Disney. I rode with Mr. Hogencamp. And we had a chat. I filled him in on me. He first told me about how the Switzers and him had had a discussion about me and how they felt that it would have been a good idea for me to have gone away for school. They had been worried that I was tooo close to home because of a Chris in my life. But from what he gathered, he heard that I was doing well and not too suffocated by being close to home.

Then we got into UG and I told him about UG. He was concerned that I was going to get co-dependent, especially because he feels that any guy who I date will eventually realize what a catch I am and become attached to me. Quite flattering. Geez, and a bit scary. But I reassured him that the type of relationship that I had with UG didn't get to that. And in fact, we were on a break so we could figure things out about ourselves and stuff. And I also told him about the growth that I've been capable of with UG's help. And he was glad to hear that I was also focusing on myself and my individuality. I was too after I told him.

Sigh. Nice. Few thoughts. Except this afternoon, before leaving for dinner, I just missed UG for a bit. Tried not to listen to any music that would remind me of him. Trying not to talk to him online. Just to keep busy. I'm trying to be friends. Not like the slip up we had last time when we went shopping for our daughter. But I think it'll be okay.

I think we'll be okay. I think I'll be okay.


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