Thursday, December 19, 2002

i watched moulin rouge this evening. thought it was sweeter than the first 2 times i watched it. but it was also inendated with sociological images of sexual stratification and objectification of women. bah. and it emphasized our own theory of how stupid (oblivious) boys are. up until the end, he didn't know. so thick-skulled. and both of them loved her because of her beauty. they knew nothing about her. just knew she was beautiful and good in bed. bah. and what happens when one finds out that he is not loved? he forces himself on her. grr...that's so stupid. "oh, i can't have her heart but i can still force myself onto her body; that's good enough." dumb. that's freaking pointless. but they seem to do that. bah. bitterness. i know. they swear that they are prisoners of their hormones. hah. it's an excuse to behave how they want and get what they want. bah. maybe they are the weaker sex. they square they can't do challenge themselves to do something that is deemed hard. nope can only do easy things.

what's left? must keep training. must find the might. good night.


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