do you ever look at other people and their friends and feel lonely? or freakish? because you do not have that. or do you ever feel uncool? not good enough? because you are not within those other groups? i do that. i just did that. i looked at pictures of a friend and all of her friends. and i felt uncool. do i not deserve to have a cool group of friends?
but then again, i do not do groups well. do it? you should know. only 2 people look at this thing anyway.
it is pretty chill. the hours go by slowly at nighttime. today i heard a cd from the summer of 2001 and it made me think. a lot. it is hard to move on. i did not know it. but maybe if i do not think about it and just do it, then it will go by as quickly as my 2nd year of college. yikes.
i like hearing about things i have not heard, learning more about my friends. it makes me feel more connected.