Gooey goodness. Confusion haunts me. But I think I am better at explaining that I am confused. Yikes.
Must still buy Environmental Science textbook. Yuck. There is this item of furniture that I wish to have. But I do not know when I can get it. Ahck. Must add items to my wish list. Before I forget. Gee, there weren't that many items. Did I forget something? Hehehe.
I hear rumors. That confuse me. But I try not to think of. It's really none of my concern. It has nothing to do with me. Why? Just because it doesn't.
My parents took me school for the first time in like nine months. It was fun. I drove up. My parents and I were listening to this Vietnamese radio program that was talking about the silliness of Vietnamese people arriving late to wedding receptions! Haha! Some people had some really great ideas. But I wasn't listening well. Probably cuz I didn't want to. But also because I was driving and extra care-full.
My mother says she doesn't have to worry much about me, except for me and my love life. Geez Louise! That's the only thing. Ay ya!
So my weekend is an extra day longer. That is cool. What to do? I think I'm going to get myself used to sleeping early and waking up early. Sounds like a super plan to take care of my health. I am excited. Classes start on Tuesday. Yay!!
So I think that the only reason why one of my
friends is visiting me is because he doesn't want me to hate him for the rest of his life. Ahhhahahhaha! Funny. Funny.
I would be confused. But I'm trying not to worry about it. And the repercussions of my actions and words. However, I would like to admit that I am sure UG is not as simple as he thinks he is. In fact, you sure don't think he is, do you? Geez.
So I found out last week that one of my classmates didn't return this year, because he is taking a year off. And I freaked out! I remember seeing him on campus at the beginning of the year. And all the while that I thought he was just on a completely different schedule from me, he was really gone. Awww, I hope he comes back. My gege! Aww.
Must learn to play some song on the piano. Must ask my celloist friend. =)
Zer! Don't worry. It's coming. Thanks for the call! Good luck!!
Li! Don't worry! =) Must still read your horoscope! And hmm...I might have to ask you a favor! =)
Mr. Smart Cookie! Didn't think I knew, did you? Caught you red-handed! Hehehe, I wonder if Lawrence thinks..."we're busy. we'll talk to you later"...
Boop! I'm going to bounce for now! Take care. No status reports. They are tooo worrisome. Don't wanna be that! Too tired for it! =)